Bing SEO

Bing SEO:

While Google is the most popular search engine, it’s important not to forget about Bing. Even though Bing’s market share is much smaller than Google’s, with only 3.38% compared to Google’s 91.61%, it still has a lot of users – about 166,633,999 people worldwide.

That’s a huge audience! So, even though Google is big, Bing is still worth paying attention to because it gives you a chance to connect with a lot of people who use it to search the internet.


Why Should You Target Bing?

Bing offers some great advantages for businesses looking to boost their online presence. Firstly, having your brand visible on Bing ensures that customers who prefer using this search engine can easily find you. Plus, because there’s less competition on Bing compared to Google, it’s often easier to rank higher in search results, especially for specific keywords related to your niche.

If your customers are interested in staying updated with the latest news, Bing is a good choice, as it focuses more on delivering current affairs. Additionally, Bing is excellent for local searches, making it easier for nearby customers to discover your business.

Lastly, Bing is integrated with Microsoft tools like Office 365, which means you can take advantage of these synergies to enhance your online presence even further.


Bing vs. Google: Understanding the Differences

Algorithm Approach

Google focuses on factors like backlinks, content relevance, and user experience signals such as page stay duration and bounce rate. It also uses semantic search to understand what users are looking for beyond just keywords. 

On the other hand, Bing gives more importance to user engagement metrics like clicks, dwell time, and social media shares. It also prioritises exact keyword matches and on-page keyword density.

Keyword Targeting

Google performs well for both broad and long-tail keywords but tends to favour broader searches with high search volume. Bing, however, excels with long-tail keywords and niche searches, especially those with lower competition on Google.

Technical SEO

While both search engines value mobile-friendliness, page speed, and structured data markup, Google emphasises these aspects slightly more. Bing, on the other hand, focuses more on technical details like sitemap submission and NAP consistency for local SEO.

SERP Features

Google offers a wider variety of SERP features like Knowledge Panels, Featured Snippets, and AMP results. Bing, on the other hand, focuses on visually appealing backgrounds, image and video carousels, and integrated rewards programs like Microsoft Rewards.

Social Media Integration

Google analyses social signals but doesn’t directly integrate with specific platforms. In contrast, Bing tightly integrates with social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, even displaying snippets of social media posts alongside traditional search results for relevant queries.

Local Search

Google prioritises local businesses based on factors like NAP consistency, reviews, and proximity to the searcher. Bing has a wider search radius by default and emphasises Bing Places for Business listings for enhanced local visibility.

G. Additional Differences

Google currently dominates in terms of mobile user base, while Bing is steadily improving its mobile presence. In terms of voice search, Google Assistant and Siri lead the way, but Bing Voice is catching up.

Both search engines offer PPC platforms, but Google Ads holds a larger market share. It’s important to note that these are just some key differences, and both search engines continuously evolve their algorithms and features.


Bing Ranking Factors & Algorithm Demystified

Factors That Affect Your Bing Ranking

On-page Optimisation

To improve your ranking on Bing, make sure to use relevant keywords in your page titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content. This helps Bing understand what your page is about and show it to the right people.


Getting high-quality websites to link back to your site can boost your ranking on Bing. These links act like votes of confidence, showing Bing that your site is trustworthy and valuable.

Technical SEO

Bing likes websites that are easy to use and safe for users. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and has security measures in place. This ensures a better experience for visitors and can improve your ranking.

User Engagement

Bing pays attention to how users interact with your site. Encourage visitors to click on your links, spend more time on your pages, and share your content on social media. This shows Bing that people find your site useful and engaging.

Local SEO Signals

If you have a physical business, it’s important to optimise your online presence for local searches. This includes making sure your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across directories and listing your business on Bing Places of Business. This helps Bing connect local users with your business when they search for relevant keywords.


SEO Best Practices for Bing Domination

Optimising your website for Bing doesn’t have to be complicated, especially if you’re already focusing on Google. By following these simple tips, you can get the most out of your SEO efforts:

Firstly, do some keyword research using tools like Microsoft Keyword Planner and Bing Webmaster Tools. This helps you find specific words and phrases that your target audience is searching for.

Next, make sure your page titles and meta descriptions include these keywords naturally. This helps Bing understand what your page is about and show it to the right people.

When structuring your content, use clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make it easy to read and navigate for both users and Bing’s search bot.

Building high-quality backlinks from other websites in your niche is also important. This can improve your website’s credibility and help it rank higher in Bing’s search results.

It’s also important to ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Bing values websites that work well on mobile devices, so use tools like the Bing Mobile Friendliness Test to fix any issues.

Take advantage of Bing Webmaster Tools, a free platform that helps you submit your sitemap, track keyword rankings, and identify technical SEO problems.

Engage with social media by sharing your content on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Bing pays attention to social signals, so this can help improve your website’s visibility.

For local searches, claim your Bing Places of Business listing and make sure your business’s name, address, and phone number are consistent across online directories.

Finally, keep your website content fresh and up-to-date to reflect changes in Bing’s algorithms and user preferences. This will help ensure that your website remains relevant and competitive in Bing’s search results.


Microsoft’s SEO Toolbox: Your Bing Allies

You have a few tools at your disposal to improve your website’s performance on Bing:

Firstly, there’s Bing Webmaster Tools, which gives you insights into how your website is doing on Bing. You can track keywords, see if there are any technical issues, and get valuable data to help you improve your site.

Then, there’s Microsoft Ads, a platform where you can pay to have your website show up for specific keywords in Bing’s search results. This can help you drive more traffic to your site and reach people who are searching for what you offer.

Microsoft Clarity is another tool you can use to analyse how people are interacting with your website. It helps you understand user behaviour so you can make changes to improve engagement and make your content better.

If you’re concerned about how your website looks and works on mobile devices, you can use the Bing Mobile Friendliness Test. This tool helps you find any issues with your mobile user experience so you can fix them and make sure your site works well for mobile users.

Lastly, LinkedIn, which is owned by Microsoft, can be a helpful platform for promoting your website and connecting with professionals who might be interested in your content. This can help you reach relevant users on Bing and grow your audience.